Saturday, December 22, 2012

AFP to honor 4 soldiers injured while on ‘Pablo’ duty in Compostela (Philippine Star)

 Army chief Lt General Emmanuel Bautista talks to typhoon 'Pablo' survivors Pfc Ramil Pedrero and his wife Jaysyl, inside their ward in Camp Panacan Station Hospital in Davao City. Pedrero was trying to evacuate the residents who were trapped in the floods when the truck they were swept by the floods and carried kilometers away donwnstream. (Photo by Major Harold Cabunoc)

 (The Philippine Star) |

MANILA, Philippines - Four soldiers who were injured while on disaster duty in the typhoon-ravaged Barangay Andap in New Bataan town in Compostela Valley will be honored by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for their heroism, AFP officials said yesterday.

At least seven soldiers were killed when they were swept away by flashfloods at the height of typhoon “Pablo” while guiding the residents to safer ground. Four other soldiers remain missing.

Bronze Cross medals will be presented next week to 1Lt. Alex Marvin Deazeta, 2Lt. Jose Enrico Nuas and Pfc. Alberto Fuyonan, all of the Army’s 66th Infantry Battalion, by AFP chief Lt. Gen. Emmanuel Bautista at the V. Luna Hospital where they remain confined for severe head and body injuries.

The fourth honoree is still confined at the intensive care unit of the V. Luna Hospital. The AFP withheld his identity as he is still undergoing stress debriefing.

“While our ground troops were flood victims themselves during the recent tragedy, they never abandoned their assigned duties as they continued helping many people, and for this, they will be honored,” Army spokesman Maj. Harold Cabunoc said.

Cabunoc said the Army officers were able to save a two-year-old boy and his pregnant mother from rolling boulders and logs along the national road.

With the help of Nuas, Fuyonan struggled to free himself from the debris and rescued the woman and her son.

The pregnant woman turned out to be the wife of 1Lt. Benigno Fernandez, who was assigned to another place.

Fuyonan, 21, was supposed to marry his fiancée in Digos City last Dec. 21 but their wedding was canceled due to the tragedy.

Deazeta, on the other hand, did not abandon his duty despite the raging flashfloods as he ensured the safety of the residents. But he was swept away by floodwaters.

Deazeta, commander of Charlie Company, was found unconscious and rescued by his colleagues near a church in New Bataan, four kilometers away from Barangay Andap. 


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