Saturday, November 12, 2011

Army Peace Mission Waylaid by NPA Rebels

Suspected members of the CPP-NPA-NDF ambushed a group of Army soldiers who were sent to secure a medical/dental team in a remote town in Kalinga yesterday (Nov 12).

The soldiers of the 21st Infantry Battalion led by 2LT Jamero were patrolling the Dao-angan-Guisang road when they were fired upon by more or less 15 heavily armed rebels at around 9:30am.

Two soldiers were killed including Cpl Jeffrey Delos Santos and Pfc Micholle Alipio. The rebels fled with their casualties after the 10-minute firefight.

The soldiers were part of the civic action mission conducted by the said battalion in Dao-angan village, Balbalan town.

 Free medical and dental services were provided by the soldiers to this remote village which has no existing health facilities.

The military has vowed to continue their peace and development programs despite the attacks.

Some soldiers were sent to pursue the rebels who fled in the hinterlands.

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